Why Join FedSoc?


Law schools and the legal profession are currently strongly dominated by a form of orthodox liberal ideology which advocates a centralized and uniform society. While some members of the academic community have dissented from these views, by and large they are taught simultaneously with (and indeed as if they were) the law.

The Society's main purpose is to sponsor fair, serious, and open debate about the need to enhance individual freedom and the role of the courts in saying what the law is rather than what they wish it to be. We believe debate is the best way to ensure that legal principles that have not been the subject of sufficient attention for the past several decades receive a fair hearing.

The Society has a strong reputation for hosting speakers on all sides of the ideological spectrum. A number of the Society's most frequent and prominent speakers - from the Left as well as the Right - attest to the fact that the Society has contributed a great deal to free speech, free debate, and the public understanding of the Constitution.


The Federalist Society’s Student Division continues to be the premier ideas-driven student organization on over two hundred law school campuses nationwide. Many law school faculty and administrators have come to celebrate the Society for the high quality of discourse it brings to their campuses. Student Division programming fosters a network of conservative and libertarian students eager to challenge the legal establishment as lawyers, faculty, judges, and policy makers.

Our Michigan Law Fed Soc Chapter hosts regular social events, discussion groups, and activities throughout the academic year.

Academic Support

Mentors: Every interested student is matched with 2Ls and 3Ls who can help navigate classes, finals, professors, and career planning.

Outlines: Our chapter collects and curates a database of top-scoring outlines and study-materials for each course. The entire library of content is available to our active membership.

Become a Member.


Let us know you are interested in joining the Michigan Law Federalist Society Chapter.

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